


W tym artykule zademonstrujemy jak całkowicie usunąć hasło Windows 10 (wymaganie hasła dostępu) i uruchamiać system Windows 10 w trybie automatycznego logowania. Usunięcie hasła Windows 10 wymaganego do zalogowania się do systemu nie jest zbytnio polecanym pomysłem. Aczkolwiek, jeżeli komputer wykorzystywany jest tylko przez domowników być może warto przyśpieszyć jego działanie. Microsoft...

How to bypass windows 10 password?


In this article we will present you a way to bypass Windows 10 password. Since 2009 there is only one tool that can truly bypass Windows password – this software is called KON-BOOT. Unlike other tools KON-BOOT does not modify, crack or change the Windows user password. Kon-Boot virtually changes the contents of Windows kernel which allows users to enter any Windows accounts without knowing...

Forgot mac firmware password? check our simple guide


You boot your Mac and you see a padlock icon with a password field, what’s going on? Padlock screen during boot indicates that your Mac has a firmware password enabled. Mac firmware password is an additional security measure that prevents users from booting or changing the boot settings on Mac computer without knowing the Mac firmware password. What do to if you forgot mac firmware password...

How to bypass Windows password without resetting or changing the current password?


It seems you have forgotten your Windows login password which is why you are reading this website. You have already tried all the passwords that you could think of, but none of them seems to be correct. Believe us we know this annoying feeling. It’s perfectly understandable that people want to bypass Windows password because they have lost or forgotten it. In this article we will...

Lost your Mac’s Password? Here’s the solution!


So you have lost your mac password? or perhaps you are locked out of your Mac? Don’t panic! In this article we provide 3 solutions to forgotten Mac password problems. Table of contentsUTILIZE APPLE ID TO CHANGE MAC PASSWORDUSE ANOTHER ADMIN ACCOUNT TRY KON-BOOT TO BYPASS MAC PASSWORD (EASIEST WAY) UTILIZE APPLE ID TO CHANGE MAC PASSWORD If you have linked your Apple ID to your user account...

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